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About Sweet Adelines International

Sweet Adelines International, Inc. is a worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performances.


It started with a small group of women over 70 years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It has grown into a non-profit organization of more than 23,000 women in 14 nations—United States, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Denmark,  Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Wales and the United Arab Emirates, belonging to one of  24 regions, each holding a competition and sending the winner to the annual international contest.


There are over 500 choruses which range in size from 20 to 180 members. They are encouraged to form quartets within their chapter, there being currently over 1,200 registered quartets. Performances and competitions develop members' confidence and pride in their achievements. Sweet Adelines promote harmony, friendship, self-esteem and a sense of belonging among women of all ages, races, ethnic backgrounds and levels of performance readiness. Education is offered through regional music schools, chapter retreats, professional coaches, and at rehearsals with the director and section leaders. Programs are designed to develop and train members as music leaders and teachers, contest judges, arrangers and administrators.


The Young  Women  in Harmony  program offers  music  educators

the means of including the study and  performance of barbershop

harmony in school music programs. The Young Singers Foundation

has been the official charity  of  Sweet Adelines  International since 

1992. It offers scholarships for vocal music students and grants for

Young Women in Harmony in community vocal activities.                           








City of the Hills Sweet Adelines

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