Do you sing with the radio in the car, or with your iPod, and are a singer just waiting for your INNER DIVA
to break out? Maybe there's a place for you, just waiting for your hidden talents!
Join Us!

Membership is open to women age 18 and over. If you like to sing, we would welcome you to try singing four-part harmony with us. You don't have to read music, but you do need to be able to carry a tune. We use written music and audio tapes or CDs to make learning music as easy as possible. Come visit us as a guest any Monday.
Our rehearsals are held every Monday from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Oneonta at the Atonement Lutheran Church, 1 Center Street.
For more information contact Mary at 607-988-2613 or e-mail by clicking the button.
Ask any Sweet Adeline about what she likes about our organization and she will tell you—it's the fun, the camraderie, and the joy of singing. We work at our craft—but it's fun!